Eng | Rus    

  1. Basic Criterions of Allocation of Branches in the International Public Law // Problems of Improvement of the Legislation and Legal Activity. Theses of the Reports at an Conference of the Young Scientists - Lawyers. Vladivostok, 1988. P. 16-18.
  2. Fundamental Law of the State and Human Rights // Notebook of Agitator. 1989. N 17-18. P. 19-24.
  3. Association for Assistance of UN in Primorsky region // Orient. 1990. N 4. P. 49-52.
  4. UN Convention on Sea Law and Development of the Soviet Legislation about Economic Zone // Questions of State Building and Law Regulation Vladivostok, 1990. P. 110-115.
  5. Cooperation between States in Human Rights Field and the United Nations // Modern State and Law: Questions of Theory and Practice Vladivostok, 1992. P. 48-62.
  6. I. Kant's Doctrine about International Law and New Political Thinking // Modern State and Law: Questions of Theory and History. Vladivostok, 1992. P. 63-79.
  7. The UN Activity in the Sphere of Creation of International Agreements about Human Rights // Problems of Russian State Building and Legislation. Vladivostok, 1994. P. 148-158.
  8. The United Nations Adoption of Law on Human Rights and International Mechanism of Their Implementation. Thesis of Candidate Dissertation. Kazan, 1994. 21 pp.
  9. International Mechanism of Control under Implementation of Universal Acts on Human Rights // Moscow Journal of International Law. 1995. N 4. P. 24-37.
  10. Legal Regulation of Foreign Investments in Russia // Materials from the 5-9 September 1995 International Conference on Development of Russian Private Sector Laws: Problems & Perspectives. Vladivostok, 1996. P. 131-136.
  11. The UN Activity for Creation of Legal Norms in the Sphere of Human Rights // Problems of Legislation. Vladivostok, 1997. P. 87-101.
  12. Questions of Improvement of the UN Activity for Creation of Legal Norms in the Sphere of Human Rights // Problems of Legislation. Vladivostok, 1997. P. 114-123.
  13. Legal Status of Foreigners in International Private Law // Social, Economic and Political Processes in the Countries of the Asia-Pacific Region. Vladivostok, 1997. P. 97-100.
  14. International Private Law. General Part. Vladivostok: FENU Publishing House, 1997. - 124 pp.
  15. The UN and Human Rights: Mechanisms of Creation and Realization of Legal Acts. - Vladivostok: FESU Publishing House, 1998. - 156 pp.
  16. To the Question of Legal Status of Physical Persons in International Public Law // Instant Problems of State and Law on the Border of Centuries. Vladivostok, 1998. P. 417-419.
  17. Primorsky Region as an Independent Participant of International Relations // Moscow Journal of International Law. 1999. N 1. P. 142-147.
  18. European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Legal System of Russia: Problems of Correlation // European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms: Problems of Realization in Russia. Materials of International Seminar. Nizhniy Novgorod, 1999. P. 54-56.
  19. International Private Law: Course of Lectures. Vladivostok: FENU Publishing House, 1999. - 276 pp.
  20. International Private Law: Course of Lectures. Moscow: NORMA Publishing House, 2000. - 304 pp.
  21. To the Question of Types and Parity of Sources of the International Private Law // International Public and Private Law. 2001. N 1. P. 50-56.
  22. Theories of Transformation and Implementation Norms of International Law in Russian Legal Doctrine // Moscow Journal of International Law. 2001. N 2. P. 39-61.
  23. Legal Regulation of International Commercial Arbitration in South Korea // Moscow Journal of International Law. 2001. N 3. P. 109-128.
  24. Role and Significance of Modern International Law in Regulation of International Relations // International Public and Private Law. 2002. N 3. P. 3-8.
  25. International Law in the Age of Globalization: Notion and Substance // Moscow Journal of International Law. 2002. N 3. P. 179-196.
  26. International Private Law: Course of Lectures. 2nd Edition. Moscow: NORMA Publishing House, 2002. - 400 pp.
  27. Force of Norms of the International Law in the Legal System of the USA // Journal of Russian Law. 2003. N 2. P. 116-127.
  28. Arbitration Agreement and Choice of Applicable Law in International Commercial Arbitration // Instant Problems of International Civil Procedures. Materials of International Conference. St. Petersburg, 2003. P. 183-190.
  29. Theoretical Problems of Correlation Between International and Municipal Law // Problems of Strengthening of State and Guaranteeing of Supremacy of Law. Vladivostok, 2003. P. 3-12.
  30. Development of the Concept of a Legal System in the National Doctrine of the Law: General-theoretical and International Legal Approaches // Journal of Russian Law. 2004. N 1. P. 76-87.
  31. Basic Organizational and Legal Aspects Realization of Foreign Investments in Russian Federation // Russia-India 2003. Materials of International Seminar. Vladivostok, 2004. P. 59-79
  32. Preconditions of Interaction of International and National Legal Systems // Law and Politics. 2004. N 9. P. 76-82.
  33. Main Directions of Interaction of Normative Components of International and National Legal Systems // Law and Politics. 2004. N 11. P. 98-112.
  34. Notion of National and International Legal Systems // Journal of Russian Law. 2004. N 11. P. 98-112.
  35. Development of the Concept of a Legal System in the Foreign Doctrine of the Law: Second Half of XX - Beginning of XXI Centuries // Moscow Journal of International Law. 2004. N 4. P. 19-35.
  36. Notion and Interaction of International and National Legal Systems. - Vladivostok: FENU Publishing House, 2005. - 216 pp.
  37. Theories of Coordination of International and Internal Legal Norms // State and Law. 2005. N 12. P. 61-70.
  38. Interaction of International and National Legal Systems and Sense of Justice // Journal of Russian Law. 2006. N 2. P. 131-138.
  39. To the Question on the Common Obligation of Customary Norms of International Humanitarian Law // Russian Year-Book of International Law. 2005 Special Issue. St. Petersburg, 2006. P. 36-39.
  40. International and Internal Legal Systems: Notion and Main Directions of Interaction. Thesis of Doctor of Law Dissertation. Kazan, 2006. - 50 pp.
  41. International Private Law: Course of Lectures. 3rd Edition. Moscow: NORMA Publishing House, 2006. - 400 pp.
  42. Norms of International Treaties and Customs as a Part of the Russian Legal System: Contemporary State and Perspectives // Soochow Law Journal. Vol. 4, January 2007. P. 131-144.
  43. International Private Law as a Form of Interaction of International and Nationals Legal Rules // Russian Year-Book of International Law 2006. St. Petersburg, 2007. P. 100-108.
  44. International and Interstate Protection of Human Rights: The Textbook for Universities. Kazan, 2007. - 674 pp. (in the co-authorship).
  45. Problems of Correlation of the National and International Standards of Respect to Human Rights and Problems of Training // Training of Civics and to the European Standards in the Field of Human Rights. Materials of the International Conference. St. Petersburg, 2007. P. 58-64.
  46. Application of Intellectual Property Law in Russia: Struggle against Counterfeit and Piracy // Intellectual Property. Copyright and Related Rights. 2008. N 1. P. 30-43. (co-authorship).
  47. To the Question on a Legal Status of Employees of Private Militarized Companies in the Contemporary International Humanitarian Law // Eurasian Law Journal. 2008. N 3. P. 54-59. (co-authorship).
  48. Diversification of Russia's Energy Collaboration and Shanghai Cooperation Organization // Asia Law Review. Vol. 5. No. 1, June 2008. P. 183-200.
  49. The Place and Role of International Law in the Legal System of Great Britain. Pravovedenie. 2008. No 4. P. 209-217.
  50. Institutional Interaction of the International and National Legal Systems // Eurasian Law Journal. 2008. N 5. P. 54-59.
  51. Basic Notions and Contents of the International Human Rights Law // Mikhailov's Scientific Readings: 2006-2007. Materials of the International Conference. Vladivostok. 2008. P. 7-13.
  52. International Private Law: Course of Lectures. 4th Edition. Moscow: NORMA Publishing House, 2009. - 368 pp.
  53. Universality and Regional Nature of the Human Rights // The Legal Reality in a Focus of Jurisprudence and University Education: Materials of the International Conference. Vladivostok, 2009. P. 13-19.
  54. About Prospects of Energy Collaboration of Russia and Other Countries-Members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization // Shanghai Cooperation Organization and Importance Problems of International Law. Yekaterinburg, 2009. P. 80-87.
  55. Process of the Energy Charter and the Role of Russia in the new International Legal Base Formation for the Energy Safety Ensuring // Eurasian Law Journal. 2009 N 8. P. 39-45. (in the co-authorship).
  56. Human Rights: Encyclopaedia. Moscow: NORMA Publishing House, 2009. - 656 pp. (in the co-authorship).
  57. The Basic Directions and Ways of Interaction International and National Legal Systems // Materials of the International Scientifically-Practical Conference // State and Law: Challenges of XXI century. Moscow, 2009. P. 399-404.
  58. International Law. Special Part: Textbook. Moscow: Statute, 2010. - 624 pp. (in the co-authorship)
  59. Correlation and Sequence of the Actions of States and International Bodies within the Pillars of the Responsibility to Protect conception in Asian-Pacific Region // Eurasian Law Journal. 2010 N 12. P. 11-15.
  60. International and Interstate Protection of Human Rights: Textbook. Moscow: Statute, 2011. - 830 pp. (in the co-authorship)
  61. The International Legal Status of the South Kuril Islands: Challenges and Prospects // Mikhailov's Scientific Readings of 2010. Actual Problems of Theory and Practice of International Law: Materials of the Sixth International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Researchers. Vladivostok: FEFU. 2011. P. 3-10.
  62. The Work of the European Court of Human Rights and Execution of Its Judgments in the Context of Poverty Reduction // Cuadernos Constitucionales de la Cátedra Fadrique Furió Ceriol. No. 64 /65, Vol. 2 (Summer / Fall 2008), pp. 67-90. (in the co-authorship).
  63. Framework of the ASEAN Plus Three Mechanisms Operating in the Sphere of Economic Cooperation, CALE Discussion Paper N 7, September 2011, Nagoya University, Japan - 60 pp.
  64. International Law. General Part: Textbook. Moscow: Statute, 2011. - 543 pp. (in co-authorship)
  65. 人権の普遍性と人権についての地域主義: 共通の土俵を求めて 名古屋大學法政論集, 242, 183-211, 2011-12-24 (Universality and Regionalism of Human Rights: In Searching for Common Ground // Nagoya University Journal of Law and Politics, Vol. 242, 2011, p. 183-211) [in Japanese].
  66. The Responsibility to Protect and the Asia-Pacific // From APEC 2011 to APEC 2012: American and Russian Perspectives on Asia-Pacific Security and Cooperation / editors Rouben Azizian and Artuom Lukin. Vladivostok: Far Eastern Federal University Press; Honolulu: Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, 2012, pp. 204-212.
  67. Recent views on the bilateral relations between European Union - Russia on behalf gas transit in the frame of the Energy Charter Treaty and its protocol on energy efficiency and related environmental aspects // Cambio Climatico, Energia y Derecho Internacional: Percpectivas de Futuro / Rosa Giles Carnero (coordinadora). Spain: Thomson Reuters Aranzadi, 2012, pp. 335-345. (in co-authorship with Marc Erik Schmelcher).
  68. Some Legal Issues of Settlement of State-Private Investor Disputes by International Arbitration in Modern Private International Law // Business in Law. 2012. N 6. P. 73-78 (in co-authorship).
  69. Notion and Content of the Mechanism of Private Law Regulation in the Sphere of Energy Cooperation // Asia-Pacific Region: Economy, Policy, Law. 2012. N 3 (27). P. 87-92.
  70. Regulatory and Institutional Mechanisms of Economic Cooperation of East Asian Countries // Oriental Institute Journal. 2012. N 2 (20). P. 72-79.
  71. Formation and International Personality of the "ASEAN plus Three" Forum // Lex Russica (Russian Law). 2013. N 8. P. 875-883.
  72. Theoretical and Legal Approaches to the Operation of International Legal Norms in domestic Legal Systems // The Second International Conference on Comparative Law and Global Common Law “Asian Law in the 21st Century & Inaugural Meeting of the Asia Academy of Comparative Law”. Conference Papers. College of Comparative Law, China University of Political Science and Law, September 27-28, 2013. P. 373-381.
  73. The Concept of Responsibility to Protect and Its Implementation in the Asia-Pacific Region // US-China Law Review. Vol. 11, No 7, July 2014, p. 868-887. ISSN: 1548-6605.
  74. ヴィチェスラフ・V・ガヴリーロフ, エレーナ・P・ガヴリーロヴァ, ロシア家族法 ⼾籍時報 2014年5-9 ⽉号(vol.712-716) (Vyacheslav V. Gavrilov, Elena P. Gavrilova. Russian Family Law // Family Register Times, No 5-9, vol. 712-716, 2014) [in Japanese].
  75. “Legal Status of the Northern Sea Route of the Russian Federation”. Journal of Russian Law. 2015. № 2. P. 147-157. doi: 10.12737/7635.
  76. Certain Issues of Human Rights’ International Legal Regulation and Ways of Their Solution, Asian Social Science, 11 (21), 2015, p. 28-38. doi:10.5539/ass.v11n21p28
  77. Legal Status of the Northern Sea Route and Legislation of the Russian Federation: A Note. Ocean Development & International Law, 46 (3), 2015, p. 256-263. doi: 10.1080/00908320.2015.1054746
  78. Modern Russian Approaches to Correlation of International and Domestic Law. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6 (5), 2015, p. 375-380. doi: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n5p375
  79. Challenges and Prospects of the Southern Kuril Islands’ Status. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 7 (1), 2016, p. 301-305. Doi: 10.5901/mjss.2016.v7n1p301.
  80. The LOSC and the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf in the Arctic Ocean. The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, 31 (2), 2016, p. 315-338. Doi: 10.1163/15718085-12341388