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Eng | Rus      


Doctor of Law, Professor

#305 c, 27 Oktyabrskaya St.,
Vladivostok, 690091, Russia
Tel. (7 423) 2-515-324
(7 423) 2-302-630
Fax. (7 423) 2-515-320, (7 423) 2-302-630
E-mail: gavrilovfirst@gmail.com ; gavrilov.vv@dvfu.ru
Homepage: http://www.v-glor.narod.ru

Date of Birth: September 16, 1963.

  • SJD. Kazan State University (2006).
  • PhD. Kazan State University (1994).
  • JD. School of Law, Far-Eastern National University (FENU), Diploma with Honors (1985)
Professional Experience:

09/2011 - Present:
  • Professor of Law, Head Chair of International Public and Private Law, Director of Master Programs, School of Law, Far Eastern Federal University.

09/2009 - 08/2011:
  • Dean of Jurisprudence II Department, Head Chair of International Law, Institute of Law, FENU.

12/2006 - 08/2011:
  • Professor, Institute of Law, FENU.

05/1995 - 08/2009:
  • Dean of International Law Department, Head Chair of International Law, Institute of Law, FENU.

  • Associate Professor, Law Department, FENU.

  • Assistant Professor, Law Department, FENU.

Exchange Programs and International Meetings:
  • 05-08/2011. Visiting Professor at the Center for Asian Legal Exchange, Nagoya University, Japan.
  • 04.27-28/2011. Participation in the 3rd and Final Meeting of the Study Group on the Re-sponsibility to Protect (RtoP) of the Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific (CSCAP) (Phnom Penh, Cambodia).
  • 02.26-27/2010. 1st Meeting of the Study Group on the Responsibility to Protect (RtoP) of the Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific (CSCAP) (Jakarta, Indonesia).
  • 11.23-24/2009. Participation in the International University Forum to Eradicate Poverty (New York, USA).
  • 08.24-30/2008. Advanced Training Course in International Humanitarian Law for University Teachers organized by Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights (Geneva, Switzerland).
  • 04.17 - 06.29/2007. US - Russia Experts Forum: program sponsored by Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of U.S. Department of State (Washington DC, USA).
  • 7-8/2002. Participation in summer research program "Law Curriculum Course Development", University of Wisconsin Law School (Madison, Wisconsin, USA).
  • 10/1997. Participation in the Meeting of the Deans and Documentalists from the Human Rights Library Centers in Russian Federation, Council of Europe (Strasbourg, France).
  • 7-8/1996. Participation in train program "United States Law and Legal Institutions", University of Wisconsin Law School (Madison, Wisconsin, USA).
  • 11/1994. Participation in the exchange visitor program "New Business Development Project", University of California, San Diego (CONNECT), USA.
  • 7-8/1992. Participation in train program "The Cultural Context of American Business Practices", California State University Sacramento, (Sacramento, CA, USA).

Speeches and Presentations (outside of Russia):
  • 11.16/2013. Presentation: “Responsibility to Protect and the Asia-Pacific” at the Fourth Biennial Conference of the Asian Society of International Law “Asia and International Law in the Twenty-First Century: New Horizons”, organized by Indian and Asian Societies of International Law, New Delhi, India.
  • 09.28/2013. Presentation: "Theoretical and Legal Approaches to the Operation of International Legal Norms in Domestic Legal Systems” at the Second International Conference on Comparative Law – Asian Law in the 21st Century, organized by College of Comparative Law, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, China.
  • 01/2013. Course of Lectures: "International Law Related Reforms in Russia after the End of the Cold War", Graduate School of Law, Nagoya University, Japan.
  • 03.09/2012. Presentation: "Modern Russian Theoretical Approaches to Correlation of International and Domestic Law", Graduate School of Law, Nagoya University, Japan.
  • 11.18/2011. Presentation: "The South Kuril Islands: Challenges and Prospects", Second International Forum for Peace and Prosperity in Northeast Asia: "Sixty Years after the San Francisco Peace Treaty", Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.
  • 08.01/2011. Presentation: "Framework of the ASEAN Plus Three Mechanisms Operating in the Sphere of Economic Cooperation", Graduate School of Law, Nagoya University, Japan.
  • 09/2010. Presentation: "Correlation and Succession of the Actions of States and International Bodies within the Pillars of RtoP", 2nd Meeting of the Study Group on the Responsibility to Protect (RtoP) of the Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific (CSCAP) (Manila, Philippines).
  • 05/2010. Presentation: "Universality and Regionalism of Human Rights: In Searching for a Common Ground", 7th Asian Law Institute Conference: "Law in a Pluralist Asia. Challenges and Prospects" (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia).
  • 06/2007. Presentation: "Intellectual Property in the Russian Federation: Some Actual Questions of Trademarks Protection", Thomas Jefferson School of Law, San Diego, CA, USA (7th June); Fross Zelnick Lehrman & Zissu, P.C., New York, NY, USA (14th June).
  • 12/2006. Speaker, "Norms of International Treaties and Customs as a Part of the Russian Legal System: Contemporary State and Perspectives", Taipei Conference on International and Comparative Law (Taiwan).
  • 03/2005. Presentation: "The Legal Status of Foreign Corporations and Individuals in Russia: Access to Courts and Execution of Foreign Judgments", Seattle University School of Law (Seattle, Washington, USA).
  • 10/1999. Speaker, "International Regulation on Human Rights in the Sphere of Religion and Russian Legislation", Six Annual International Law and Religion Symposium: "Emerging Perspectives on Religion and Human Rights", Brigham Young University (Provo, Utah, USA).

Other Professional Activities: Board of Lawyers "Etalon", Vladivostok, Russia: Co-founder and Lawyer.

Research Activities: International Public Law, International Private Law.

V.Gavrilov is the author of 114 scientific and methodical publications devoted to actual problems of international public and international private law, including two monographs and textbooks "International Private Law: Course of Lectures", "International Law. General Part" and "International Law. Special Part" (in co-authorship) . Gavrilov's articles were published in such authoritative Russian and foreign legal magazines, as "State and Law", "Journal of Russian Law", "Moscow Journal of International Law", "International Public and Private Law", "Law and a Policy", "The Russian Year-Book of International Law", "Intellectual Property. Copyright and Related Rights","Eurasian Law Journal", Soochow Law Journal", "Asia Law Review", "Nagoya University Journal of Law and Politics".

Selected Publications:
  • The UN and Human Rights: Mechanisms of Creation and Realization of Legal Acts, Vladivostok (1998). 156 pp.
  • Force of Norms of the International Law in the Legal System of the USA, Journal of Russian Law, 2 (2003)
  • Notion and Interaction of International and National Legal Systems. Vladivostok (2005). 216 pp.
  • Theory of consentement of international and interstate legal norms, State and Law, 12 (2005)
  • International Private Law as a Form of Interaction of International and National Legal Rules // Russian Year-Book of International Law 2006. St. Petersburg, 2007. P. 100-108.
  • Diversification of Russia's Energy Collaboration and Shanghai Cooperation Organization // Asia Law Review. Vol. 5. No. 1, June 2008. P. 183-200.
  • The Place and Role of International Law in the Legal System of Great Britain, Pravovedenie, No 4. (2008)
  • International Private Law: Course of Lectures: 4th Edition, Moscow (2009). 368 pp.
  • International Law. Special Part: Textbook. Moscow: Statute (2010) 624 pp. (in co-authorship)
  • International and Interstate Protection of Human Rights: Textbook. Moscow: Statute (2011) 830 pp. (in co-authorship).
  • Framework of the ASEAN Plus Three Mechanisms Operating in the Sphere of Economic Cooperation, CALE Discussion Paper No 7, September 2011, Nagoya University, Japan - 60 pp.
  • International Law. General Part: Textbook. Moscow: Statute, 2011. - 543 pp. (in co-authorship)
  • The Concept of Responsibility to Protect and Its Implementation in the Asia-Pacific Region // US-China Law Review. Vol. 11, No 7, July 2014, p. 868-887. ISSN: 1548-6605.
  • Certain Issues of Human Rights’ International Legal Regulation and Ways of Their Solution, Asian Social Science, 11 (21), 2015, p. 28-38. doi:10.5539/ass.v11n21p28
  • Legal Status of the Northern Sea Route and Legislation of the Russian Federation: A Note. Ocean Development & International Law, 46 (3), 2015, p. 256-263. doi: 10.1080/00908320.2015.1054746
  • Modern Russian Approaches to Correlation of International and Domestic Law. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6 (5), 2015, p. 375-380. doi: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n5p375
  • Challenges and Prospects of the Southern Kuril Islands’ Status. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 7 (1), 2016, p. 301-305. Doi: 10.5901/mjss.2016.v7n1p301.
  • The LOSC and the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf in the Arctic Ocean. The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, 31 (2), 2016, p. 315-338. Doi: 10.1163/15718085-12341388

  • A more comprehensive bibliography is available here.

    Member: Russian Association of International Law; Asian Society of International Law.